Monday, June 20, 2011

Daddy Knows Best!

Happy Father's Day! 
I just love this guy! I have been blessed with one of the best Dad's ever! He always knows what to say and how to make me feel better. Here are my top TEN favorites about my Dad:
1. He loves God deeply and has brought me up to do the same.
2. He watched Willy Wonka with me 2,110 times when I was younger and did not complain about it one bit! (and still would if I asked him!)
3. He said "Yes" when Matt asked his permission to marry of my favorites! He also knew that I was going to marry Matt long before I did! He knows me well!
4. He has called me his baby girl since I can remember...and still reminds me of it everyday!
5. He tells me he loves me and just wants me to know (this will never get old).
6. There is nothing like a Daddy's girl getting a hug from her dad saying that everything's going to be ok, when you feel like the world is going to end...and always knows what to say in these situations too!
7. He picks on the guitar and that is one thing I have always and still love about him to this day...he's good at it too! The popcorn song remains my favorite!
8. He taught me how to drive...he deserves a medal! 
9. He talked to me the whole way down the aisle to give me away at my wedding to calm my nerves! 
10. He tells some good stories...stories that I could here over and over again...which reminds me of our trips to Tennessee we used to take together! Some of my favorite past times!

There's a lot more to my dad and a lot more that I could tell you that I love about him but you would be reading forever! I am so blessed and thankful that God allowed me to grow up in a family with a father. He truly has shown me the way the Father loves us!

I was blessed with a pretty amazing Father-in-Law too! (and mother in law) They have raised a man who is going to be the father of my children some day and I couldn't be happier with the man he is and continues to strive to be. 

I hope all of you had a wonderful Father's day and those of you who were unable to spend time with your fathers, know that prayers were said on your behalf.

Love you Mean It,


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