Monday, May 6, 2013

A Final Word...

I absolutely love this lady!! She came into my life nearly 10 years ago as Matt's Meme and immediately became mine and has never let me forget it since!! This woman has never met a stranger. She talks to literally everyone with whom she crosses paths...which is why she could outsell anybody in any type of market. She has had so many neat experiences in life selling this thing and's funny to hear about her selling Stanley. She is smooth with words and makes everything sound so much more exciting than it actually is!! She is a hugger. I don't think I could spend 10 minutes with her without getting at least 2 hugs.  She loves bears...oh people..if I only had a picture of her bear room! She is silly about them bears but I absolutely love it! I got engaged in her house (in the angel room)...and boy was she excited when she got the news that I would officially be a part of her family (and reminded me that I had already been a part of the family long before that ring). We share secrets and love talking about clothes. She has called me her angel from the time I met her and introduces me as such to everyone she knows! She has always been a godly woman and a strong woman at that. She is a survivor. This sweet lady had a lung transplant years ago and has outlived everyone's expectations. (She even competed in the Olympics! What a neat lady!) I know God gave her so many more years because of the many lives she has been able to reach. And now the time has come for her to be with God. My heart is absolutely aching right now. My last conversation with her was Saturday. I don't know if it's better to know you are having your last conversation or not. It hurts either way. She told me she loved me several times and of course through tears I told her the same. She called me her angel for the last time....and is on her way to becoming my angel. I am telling you now that I am grateful for the long life that she has had but it surely doesn't hurt any less or prepare me any more for what is about to take place. Is she going to a better place? Absolutely! I am so happy that she loves God and has made him a priority in her life. I know she will be pain free and so so happy. But I am sad for those of us left behind. I am so sad that my mother in law has to know what it's like to lose her mom (and her dad a few years ago.) I wish I could take her pain away. I am sad that my husband has to lose his grandmother. I am sad that my kids will never get to meet their Meme in person (this is something that Meme and I have always talked about...and just because it can't happen in person doesn't mean they won't know their Meme!!) I am not ready to get that phone call....nor was I ready to have my last conversation on this earth with her. But I know that God is ready for her and that He will take care of her until we meet again...

Oh, what a day that will be!

Love You Mean It,


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