Saturday, November 27, 2010

The Turkey Trotted, Then We Ate Him...

Matt and I got up really early so that 
Matt could run the Turkey Trot 5K...
 Little did we know that it started at 8 and not 9 
like we naturally we were annoyed...
but what can you do? 
Well, when you are remodeling a house 
there is always stuff to do.
So we put the new hardware on the newly 
painted cabinets before company arrived!

Mom and Dad got here about 11:30am. Sydney
and Brutus are always excited to see them!

 And after they came we got the kitchen all done! 
Next kitchen counters...
but we will let the professionals do that! Pictures will 
come soon! So glad to get this part done though!

Then cooking started! I made homemade mashed potatoes. 
Mom made her famous squash casserole and 
of course sweet potatoes while Matt fixed the birds!

 It was yummy! Full belly, good conversation, and 
wonderful company= successful Thanksgiving dinner!
But then we had to top it off with my 
Caramel Apple Cheesecake!

 It was delicious!!

We ended Thanksgiving with a bang...and then 
reality set in...I have to go shopping in the morning!
 As you can tell I am really excited about this venture...
and it got even better after the first store we hit.
 Yes...I looked like a drowned rat the rest of the day...
you definitely didn't need a picture of that...
your imagination will do you just fine!
But it did not make our shopping experience less 
successful...we got so many great deals.
I think we have everyone covered! 
Sure do wish holidays lasted longer than they do, 
but since they don't we cherished every moment together. 
Matt and I feel so blessed to have the family that we do. 
Maybe next year everyone can be together!! Hope you
had a great Thanksgiving too! Love you all...

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Painting the Roses Red

 Matt and I are almost done with renovating the house so that we can put it on the market. It has been a task. We have done a lot to the house since moving into it 2 1/2 years ago but there is still a lot to do. Who would have thought it would cost so much money? Oh well...such is life I suppose...or life as we know it...