Wednesday, November 16, 2011


Looking back over the last few months I have learned a lot of things...some things which are indescribable and unexplainable...most of which were God.

We have been through various ups and downs through the past few months and we just celebrated a big moment in closing a chapter of our life.


I cannot even begin to tell you how much God has shown us His Awesomeness these past few months. He has laid a clear path and I can now say that I am finally on the other side, looking at the beauty that He is and looking at the greatness that He has put before us. Thank you to all my prayer warriors out there. Without you our prayers wouldn't have been heard and answered. Here is a glimpse of what I mean:

Received a notice in the mail 09/30/11 that our car insurance will lapse on 9/28/2011 (yes...2 days before we got the letter) and our house insurance would lapse on 11/3/11. We were in panic mode...wondering what costs we were going to have to worry about. It took 2 days to get car insurance and then Matt called our Realtor, Dayna Simmons...who is awesome...and told her what was going to happen to the insurance. She then proceeded to tell Matt, "Well, I think I have an offer on your house. I will know in the next 48 hours." Folks, if that is not God, I don't know what is. And to top it off...we were going to have to pay a huge chunk at closing just to get it sold and it ended up being a lot less than we expected, and we have that exact amount coming to us in the mail. I am telling you now, I knew God was in control, but I am in awe at just how in control He is. He had that planned out so perfectly and I cannot even begin to tell you how amazed I am with His perfect Plan. We feel so blessed.

Speaking of blessed, I have the best friends. Seriously. I have tried to come up with the right words to express my gratitude and love for my friends that helped us move this past weekend. There are no words....except... my cup runneth over. I have so much Joy in my heart for these people. God knew what I needed and He blessed me with Lora, Michael, Elizabeth, Marley, Jennifer, Kara, and Hally. We woudln't have made it without them this weekend...and that's the plain truth. So from the bottom of my heart....

So if you have been wondering why you haven't heard from me, this would be the reason. I have so much to be thankful for. I am just stuck with how to begin to describe this's like all this joy, love, gratitude, etc. is about to burst and slap someone in the face! ha! That's how overwhelmed I am and so thankful for all that God has given us over these past few months.

I have a lot to celebrate this about you?

Love You Mean It,