Thursday, February 24, 2011

My Love is All I Have....

Lately it seems as if life is full of disappointment and darkness. My heart is hurting for so many different people. There is a little boy named Luke from Florida who is 6 years old and battling a severe case of encephalitis. I stumbled upon him from a picture on a high school friend's facebook page. If you go to you can read the story for yourself. It is heartbreaking and inspiring all in the same. I am amazed by the faith of this family. They really truly know God and His power. I am so thankful for that, but still can't help but wish I could fix it all. 

Another person that I keep thinking about is my friend Nelson. He lost one of his firefighters in a crazy accident and it has really taken a toll on him. If you know Nelson, you know he is strong and resilient...but strength and resilience doesn't take the pain away. He has been through a lot over the past couple of years. And one of the things he has been through I have been through as well. It is coming on the year anniversary of my grandfather's death. It's hard to understand things like they are but we move on and trust God and know that He is going to provide. Yet I still long to be able to fix it. I miss Papa John. 

Then there is Alton. Alton is a man that we have come close to since moving to Beaumont. Talk about a man of God. He would do anything for anyone. It's so wonderful to have people like that in your life. I wish I could do something for him now...he found out he is battling cancer...and it absolutely breaks my heart. I love that man quite like another dad. I don't think he knows that but he means a lot to me. He is a great example of what God has called us to be. And I hurt for him that he has to go through this...and there is nothing I can do. 

And then I start to think of Mike. Mike is my best friend's dad. He was the epitome of strength and funny! I loved that man! And I wish there would have been something I could have done to keep him here...but I couldn't. And I see my friend and her family all the time and wish I could take the pain all away. They are all strong and very private but I know they hurt and I know they miss him. I know it's a battle everyday for some and others ever so often...but pain is pain and I can't even begin to imagine how they feel day to day.

I could go on at all the tragedy around me. And it's so easy to get caught up in the sorrow as well as the pain. My heart constantly breaks for these people and many more. Every time we go through these struggles...God's heart is breaking with us. After all, we were made in His image. I may not be able to fix all these things, but I definitely know how to pray to the one that can. So that is what I am doing.  I can't fix people's situations but I can love them unconditionally. My love is all I have.

There is a song that I like to listen to that makes me feel the closest to God and I will end my post here.

Love you mean it,

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

The Sweetest Day of the Year....

I have used Arbonne products for the better part of 4 years now (love them!) and have decided that the business opportunity is just too good to pass up! So here's to that new little adventure! Pray that this journey will be a successful one! If you want to know more about it...just ask! I am pretty pumped about it...and of course it is going to be great to help others make some extra money like I am! Plus....I get the chance to win this exciting little trip...yes..that is Atlantis...and all I have to do is introduce these products! They sell themselves...they are that awesome!

 Who wouldn't want the chance to go here for free? Doesn't my second job have the best benefits? I think so!

And then Happy Valentine's Day...

The kids at school showered me with gifts! Who knew they loved me this much? I have began to wonder a time or two!! Just kidding....kind of.

And I got the nicest surprise when I got home:

The Otterbox Defender case for my phone! I have been wanting this for a long time...I am always scared I am going to drop my phone...this little piece of greatness will assure that my phone is always safe! So that was a great surprise!

And then....

Matt made a yummy meal of grilled Zucchini, roasted potatoes, buttered bread, and the juiciest ribeye. I am a lucky girl! He's one of the best cooks I know!

We ended our evening with a little bit of Prison Break Season 4 and me falling asleep on the couch! It was a great ending to the Sweetest Day of the Year!

Saturday, February 5, 2011

My Snuggie and Me

So... exciting things are happening this winter!!!  Not. You would laugh if you saw people freak out about the possibility of snow and ice.'s cold...but our meteorologists tend to get things wrong...quite often. Here is how my weekend started...Thursday afternoon we were let go from school early because of the chance of ice coming in that night and they had already called school for Friday...hey, don't get me wrong, I am all about safety so I was happy to get to leave's what happened next that made me go...hmm...they just don't get it. I went ahead and went to the grocery store...who already had about 10 tons of sand all throughout their parking lot. Which some of you might be thinking, "ok..they are trying to be prepared." Well doesn't ever snow here...and the one time it melted by 8:00am...that was 2 years ago. I digress, let's move on. that made me chuckle seeing all that sand but it's when I stepped into the grocery that you think the next Apocalypse was going to was ridiculous! So 2 hours later I made it home and decided to slave over dinner...yes...I made dinner.  I even went fancy! Here it is folks:

Chicken Florentine & Farfalle
 Thanks to Bertolli! Ha! You didn't think that I could actually pull that from scratch did you? Only in my dreams! That yummy piece of goodness only took 10 minutes! Point for me!

We stayed in the rest of the night and enjoyed our Thursday night shows which include Bones, Grey's, and Private Practice. We watched this new show though called Sons of Guns or something like that...I recommend for was pretty awesome! This dude redid a World War 2 Flamethrower for like one of the only 2 Medal of Honor recipients still on this earth! It was awesome! was a wonderful night of staying in and keeping warm...I even pulled out my snuggie! Just couldn't wait to see the "snow and ice" when we woke up! (ha!)

Waking up at 7:00am, I looked out my window...guess what I saw?? NOTHING! haha! No ice, no snow, nothing people! That is why Southeast Texas cracks me up...oh and the best's supposed to be 60 degrees Sunday! Sickness FTW! Onto more serious things...we had a great day Friday! We ate with two dear friends, Bill and Jackie, at one of our favorite places, Doug Nelson's. Then we did a little shopping! I got 2 pairs of shoes for $50 at Dillards! 

For Work:
For Play:

And then we ended up over at Bill and Jackie's for the rest of the night. And this is what we got in to:

 Yes, that is me...holding a gun. 

We got home about Midnight and realized that the house was freezing...and thus starts the weekend of my snuggie and me...