Monday, September 3, 2012

It's About Time...

Well, it's about time that I updated this's been a whirlwind of a summer and I cannot even get my thoughts together enough to know where to start!! 

Here goes....

This year Matt and I learned a lot about ourselves, a lot about each other, but more importantly a lot about God's timing and plan. He has brought us to such a wonderful place full of people who are the most loving, warm, kind-hearted people that you would ever meet. We are BLESSED!

Let me catch you up:
When we first got here we went to camp:
 it has been a HOT summer....I am so looking forward to Fall!!

Then after camp, I went to Arkansas to see my cousin, Killian, and we went to the Old Mill:
There is a picture of him as a baby (last time I saw him) in this exact spot with his Mom!
That was a fun day....scratch that....a fun week!!

Matt and I have also been through a lock-in where yes...we survived...I even have a picture to prove it:
hahahaha....barely made it!

We recently went to a youth rally and this is the group we took:
A WONDERFUL group of kids that we are blessed to have in our lives! SO glad we get to be a part of theirs!

Matt is in his element! I love seeing him work for the Lord:

He is having a blast!!

We are both having the best time! And we have just experienced the biggest weekend in Henryetta: LABOR DAY!!! 

Here are the pictures from the parade:

We love this little town and all it's little niceties! We have been blessed since we moved here...every day we are blessed with something new! 

God is Good ALL the time!!!

He even blessed me with this:
That's most of you know....I got a job! It's a really big learning year for me...first time in special education, but I think God put me here for a reason...and I am excited to see His plan unfold!

We hope that God is blessing your lives in every way...

Love You, Mean It,