Thursday, October 24, 2013

And Life Moves On...

If there is one thing that I have learned in the past few months it is life moves on...even if you don't want it to...even if you are not ready for it. It simply keeps moving forward and do too. I took Meme's death pretty hard, as we all do when we lose someone we love...I have learned to carry her in my heart and laugh at the little things that remind me of her...after all...Life doesn't stand still so I might as well enjoy it through the sorrow! Thank you for the thoughts and prayers. I know Matt's family, as do I, really appreciate them.

Here is where life has taken us...

In March, we took in a teenage girl named Haven. She lived with us for about 6 months and sadly left us just over a month ago. Going from no kids to a teenager was more than a little trying at times but in the end God blessed us with knowledge that we never knew we needed...and boy am I glad that he did. I may not know what it's like to be a parent...but boy do I have a bit of practice. My poor future kid...

So that's that story.

I got to go a lot of different places over the summer...Kentucky, Arkansas, Texas, Maryland, Washington D.C and Florida. I was busy! (a little too busy...but wouldn't trade the experience for the world!)

Here is a glimpse of the summer:

 Graden and Addie on the farm...they are so sweet!

 Matt and Papa had the right idea! They look so much alike!

 Then Uncle Matt got woken up by some cuties ready to play!!

 They liked to hide under the blanket and have Uncle Matt find them and tickle them!

 I had a turn and my hair turned out real cute I think!

 Just hangin out on the tractor! 

 Then Haven wanted to go riding on the 4 Wheeler and we saw some donkey in the pasture!
 I am pretty sure she had a great time!

 She saved a kitten that was stuck behind a wall that couldn't get out.

 She cleaned her up...
 And loved on her for a while.
 Then we celebrated Matt's 30th with a surprise from the family!

 Graden was proud to be standing next to Uncle Matt to help him blow out the candles!
 Happy about being 30!

 The woman behind the scenes!! She did a great job! I have the best in-laws!

 Family watching Matt open gifts!

And Haven found a friend in the barn.

Overall, we had a great time! It was hard saying bye to the Kentucky/Ohio clan because we love them oh so much and miss them all the time! It's never enough time together....ever...but we make due and enjoy every moment we get which makes for some excellent memories!

Let's go to D.C.!!

I was fortunate to be able to go to our nation's Capitol for a teaching conference. While there, we did some sight seeing! Here are some memories (you will see a turtle in some of these pics...when we were going through Meme's jewelry box, several of us picked up the turtle piece wondering what in the world she ever wore it with so we decided to take it around the world with us!)
Washington Monument/Reflecting pool!
 Lincoln Memorial

My friend, Andrea, and I 

 He's sneaky.

 We took a bus tour and rode on the top of the double decker!

 This is our whole group plus 2 the lady and gentleman on the right...I don't know them.

 We loved our windblown look and were having a blast! 

 The Capitol Building.
 And then it decided to pour down rain!!

 There is the White House...didn't much care to go in there...maybe in the next few years...maybe.

 Then it stopped raining just in time for us to walk around Arlington.

 It was very surreal. The changing of the guards was a very moving ceremony. One that I will never forget...and hope to see again some day. We visited the Holocaust Museum but I don't even want to talk about that words to even put together.

These group of ladies are awesome and I feel so blessed to have been able to go on this trip. We had such a wonderful time and learned so much! 

And on the Florida....while I would love to have gone with Matt, it is very important to get that girl time in and because I have an awesome and understanding husband he was supportive of my need for that time! Plus, we had to celebrate Hally's 30th birthday with a bang!! And we had a BLAST!! Here is a glimpse of that trip:

 Pit Stop at McDonald's for the 3rd time today...don't judge...we were driving 10 hours!

 First View of the beach when we got there! SO PRETTY!!

 We had the best little condo ever! It was just perfect!

 Soaking up the warmness of Florida in the tent Hally put together...let's face it...I tried to help but it was really all her!

 She really is a beautiful angel...How in the world did I get so lucky to have such a beautiful best friend...inside and out?!?!

 Paleo Shmaleo while on vacation...we ate cupcakes ya'll!!

 Mine was an Almond Joy variety...coconut all up in the middle of that thing!!
Hally had a couple of delicious ones but I can't seem to find that picture...BOO! I will update when I find it!! They were awesome looking...but really...not the best cupcake I have ever had...we had high expectations. Hey..they were Cupcakery by the gonna have cupcake in the name of your business you better follow through!!

 Bubba Gump's!!

 Quite fitting!

 I cannot even begin to tell you about the amazing food we had!!

 Funniest part of the trip!! And probably the funniest thing I have every witnessed while with Hally...and there have been quite a few of them...This little girl decides she is going to feed the birds. At first, we were cute...then it started getting a little ridiculous. Birds flocking all around us. Hally said, "It would be my luck for them to poop on me." And seriously..not even 5 minutes later...bam...right on her! She said, "Oh Crap." And we rolled for a good hour...not kidding. SO FUNNY!!!

 Catching some rays!

 We took the tent barely fit but Hally made it look comfy...needless to say it ended back up outside!

 We started a modeling career while maybe not...but we did model a few outfits before going out to Destin for some food and fun!

 Met up with Nelson and his family in Navarre and had lunch, then walked the pier. This is Joi. She is my new best friend!

And here are some photos from a session we had one night:

 Needless to say..we had a blast!!!

 It poured one day...and while everyone else was running inside...we played!!

 Went to dinner at the Crap Trap...YUM!

 It got cold after it rained...but we still made the most of it!

 My hottie of a friend coming in from cooling off in the waves!

 Indoor photo sesh!!

 There are many more...I will probably post later...too many to post now!

Our last night we went out to lay on the beach under the stars...

 It was a fun time 

 This little guy showed up on our blanket...that little stinker scared us both! We ran inside!

 Quite appropriate that it would pour while packing up...the tears down our faces were probably of no help...hahaha...but seriously.

On the way back we stopped at Whataburger (Hally has never been) and we ate burgers the size of our faces!

My sweet Sydney girl missed me!!

 And I missed the beach...

But I was glad to get back to all the love my life has in it!!

I had the busiest but best summer of my life...all thanks to my amazing family, supportive husband, awesome friends, and opportunities that arose! It is a summer I will never forget!

Love You Mean It,


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