Saturday, February 21, 2015

I'm In Love With A Child I Haven't Met Yet...

The first part of this post was written Sunday, November 9, 2014 (Mattie came into this world November 11, 2014 so needless to say...I am just getting back to this post):

To say that our lives are about to change is an understatement. I cannot believe it's been so long since I've given an update...but I have been busy for the last 8 1/2 months! We are expecting our sweet little girl in just nearly 2 weeks! Some of you have been a part of our journey and some of you have been watching and listening from afar...I want to catch you up on this crazy, awesome person growing inside of me and our journey thus far:
Sunday, March 23rd:
I came home from Spring Break in Arkansas. It was a wonderful week of celebrating my friend Holly (wedding shower and bachelorette party). I was about 3 days late and happened to have a pregnancy test in my bathroom so I decided to ease my mind by taking it....and much to my surprise it showed a double line. I panicked....and took the other one in the box...which read the same way. I couldn't believe it. I wasn't even thinking in the realm of possibility that I could be pregnant. I just wanted to ease my mind but a different answer is what I got. So I did a little nervous dance as I thought how surreal this whole thing was. I wasn't nearly as scared as I thought I would be but I was shocked. I walked out of the bathroom to do you even begin to tell your husband that you just peed on a stick and it says you are pregnant? So I nervously said, "Matt....." (he was watching television and I had to say it again) "Um...Matt...) He then looked up at me and said, "What?" I said..."Uh...I...Uh..." He said, "Are you ok?" I said, "I don't know....I think I am pregnant." He looked at me and smiled...then said, "what?" I said, "I just took a test....not expecting anything...and 2 lines showed up...I'm pregnant." He got up off the couch and hugged me....then I cried...because it was at that point I got scared....what are we going to do with a baby? Oh the emotions that flooded through me. He then said, "It's all going to be ok. We will figure this out together. I love you." I told him I loved him too. He was absolutely wonderful handling me with this. He was the calm, cool, collected one...and that was very reassuring and comforting!  I don't know how people do it on their own. I am so blessed  to have this man by my side to do life with. I then went to my purse, got my phone, and we took this picture:
I am smiling by this point because of my amazing husband and knowing that I don't have a reason to be scared....I am not in this alone and this change...though shocking at the time...will be one of the best in our life thus far! We made this little bundle together and we will raise her together in the Lord.
April 2014:
I went back to Arkansas for Spring Sing Weekend which always falls on Easter weekend. Hally and I have a tradition of going to Saturday night Spring Sing. We decided that we would go to Rib Crib before. I really wanted to tell her but I didn't know how exactly....or when I wanted to do it...but it turns out that she knows me better than I know myself. We were talking about life and things and she just came out and said, "You're not pregnant are you?" I was shocked.... I was like...."uh..." and she just looked at me and said, "Seriously?" And I said, "Well, I wanted to tell you in a better way, but yes, I am." We laughed and I wanted to get her reaction on video so we took one:
We wanted to make sure to tell our family face to face (or in we could tape their reactions.) We tried and tried to call Matt's parents...they are very busy people with a lot going on so we kept missing them. We wanted to Skype but we had never done that before and we really didn't want to give anything away so we waited patiently until the perfect time came along....they were in the Netherlands and happened to have an open morning to Skype. So that's what we did:
We called Megan and skyped with her...but my video messed up and it didn't save. We told the kids they were getting another cousin and they were pretty excited! It was precious!! I love my family!
May 2014:
This was SO tough!! Holding all this information in before telling anyone else. We had to tell all of our family before we wanted others to know...and it just so happened that my Mom wanted to throw me a 2nd 29th sweet of her!! I was excited because that meant I had an excuse to see them and tell them in person and video tape a gift I was giving them for putting up with me for 29 years ( plus 1). Here is how telling my sister and my parents went down:
We had the best time telling people! It was absolutely wonderful!! I loved that when I told my parents that my other family was there to share in my news! Here are some pictures of that night:

It was a wonderful night!
So now that our families know....our friends can know too! It was fun to tell people but boy does the advice start early!!
Now we wait on the GENDER reveal!!!
 We had no doubts that we wanted to know what we were having. I just knew we were having a boy.....until the ultrasound clearly showed girl!!
So we went shopping!!!

We are very excited about our little girl!! She is going to be precious!!

(This photo was taken during a surprise sonogram at 36 weeks..the doctor said she wanted to see how big she is....she was measuring at 7lbs and 3 oz...and is predicted to be 8 1/2 pounds!)
And because so many have is belly:
I know it's a bathroom shot...but it's all I could do!
So needless to say this has been an exciting journey. When we found out we were having a baby....a babymoon was in order. Matt surprised me with a trip to:

Here are just a few of our pictures:

Excellent trip before becoming parents!! It was beautiful!
So now we are down to the wire. It's time to get ready for baby! We were blessed with 3 showers:
 Such good food, beautiful decorations (ya'll I can't even begin to describe it!), and lovely guests!!
They spoiled my sweet girl!

 Was surprised by my Kentucky family!!
 Given such a sweet treasure, handmade, by my Aunt Rhonda!
 My beautiful guests!!

 My precious hostesses!! They are my friends for life!

Henryetta Church of Christ:
 Had so much fun!
 Spoiled again!!
 My pretty guests!!
My lovely hostesses!!
Henryetta Elementary:
(pics coming soon!) 
We are incredibly fortunate to have so many loving people in our lives. We are very excited to bring this sweet girl into this world surround by such godly people!
I cannot believe we are two weeks (or less) out from meeting her! This pregnancy hasn't been bad at all. I was nauseous for the first 3 months...meat was not an option....but felt great up until about week 35...then I started swelling really badly...and now at week 37 my blood pressure is hasn't hit the 140/90 mark yet...but it is getting close. I feel fine though. I am just exhausted! Matt has been having to help me put on my socks and shoes when I am not wearing flip flops! haha! Bless his heart! He has been a trooper! He has done the cleaning, cooking, laundry, etc while I have had to take it easy. I feel bad for him but I know he does it because he loves me! God has been so good to me with this man!! I just love him to death and couldn't ask for a better helpmate!
 (I had no idea that 2 days after I wrote this...I would have my sweet girl in my arms! WOW!)
She is here! And she is beautiful! It's been 3 months and 10 days...all so..SO fast!
Here is our beautiful Mattie Brynn:

 19 1/2 inches long!

 Pay no attention to my eyes! This is our first picture and I was exhausted!
 My awesome doctor!! She seriously is the best!!

The BEST nurse, Jessica!!
More pics and updates to come soon! My baby is calling for me now...Mommy duty is real ya'll! (and the best!!)
Love You, Mean It,


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