Thursday, December 2, 2010

How Do You Spell DSi?

If I could post a picture of my students on here I would. I have some characters in my class...maybe one day I will have time to fill you in on all the stories I hear, but here is what I have learned thus far from a girl named Angel in my class...1. How to Duggie. 2. How to properly use 4 letter words (although my mother in law was the one who had to explain that a 4 letter word does not really mean a word that contains 4 letters...story for another time) 3. What a knocker ball is. and 4.)How to administer a knocker ball in one's hair. I think I have learned a lot. The day has come where me, the teacher (imagine that) got to teach her something. Today she walks in my class and comes up to my desk and says, " Mrs. Eastridge, I have a question." Frustrated that she STILL does not know how to use her hand to ask it i look at her sideways and say, "and what is that?" She looks at me intently wanting to know the answer and says,"How do you spell DSi?" Blankly and trying to not be sarcastic...even though let's be honest...I am not too good at not being that...I say, "D-S-i" She then looks at me and says, "Yeah, but I thougth it had letters in it." At this point I am trying not to roll on the floor or make fun of her because she clearly is not thinking about what she is saying....either that or that's my reality for the rest of the year...i choose the first....anyway...I look at her and with each word hold up a finger, "D-S-i, that's 3 letters." She looks at me, laughs at herself, and walks to her desk saying, "Yeah, I still think it has letters." I can't imagine what my face would have been like had I really been able to express the feelings inside of me. But nonetheless i just laughed and moved on...and that is the joy of teaching my friends...

And oddly enough here is my theme for the Girls Retreat this weekend! Boy does God have a sense of humor or what?

On a more serious note, Kyleigh Crabtree and I have been working on this for a while now. Please pray this it goes off without a hitch and that the girls walk away with a deeper understanding of God's word, of their relationship with Him, and their passion for sharing Him with others.

So, that will probably be my next update. Phew...busy, busy, busy...such is life....or life as we know it...


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