Sunday, March 24, 2013

My life as an Aunt...

I am sitting here thinking about my past (just 2 months shy of) 2 years. My little Brookie was born.
I cried like a little that sister's life changed and mine did too. That little bundle of joy was the first child on my side of the family and it was a BIG moment. I embraced the name Lulu...I wouldn't do that for just anyone...ask my sister! And in those 2 years I have watched that baby turn into a little girl. It breaks my heart to even think about it. Just a few months ago I was "oo oo" and today I am now called "Lulu." Where did she pick this up so fast? And to top this Lulu's heart even more...she gets on the phone and says "Love you, Lulu." That little smartie pants wraps me around that finger tighter and tighter each moment we get together! She has become a little adventurer and a strong willed little girl...much like her mother! My mom called me the other day and told me that she took her to Wal-Mart. Brookie saw a Clifford doll and started saying "Clifford, Clifford." So Mom went over to get it for her. Mom said that Brookie took that dog up and started talking to it. Then, she cut her eyes and said, "Look at me, I talkin to you!" Need I say more about her being just like her Mother!?!? Many a time growing up I heard that voice with those cut eyes, her being my little momma!  And we are just a few short weeks away from Brookie becoming a little momma to her sweet brother Wilson! I have a feeling that Wilson and I will be having many a conversation about how I survived Andrea #1 and how he will make it through Andrea #2! I am just kidding....kind of! ha!
I cannot even believe that in just a few short weeks I will be an Aunt to my sister's second child and a boy at that! I will have the best of both worlds. The moment I heard about a second baby I kept wondering how I was ever going to have enough love left in my heart to give another girl. I just knew it was going to be a girl...but I honestly know the Lord knows best, because the moment Andrea showed me that picture of our baby boy, my chest got bigger and my one heart became two. There is so much love for both of them...and in completely different ways! It's hard to explain. I am so excited for Brookie to have a little brother to love and be bossy to...and I love that Wilson will have a big sister that he can pester, love, and want to be like as he gets the conversations I know we will have will be priceless! I can just hear it now..."Lulu, why....??" and I can say, "I know exactly how you feel...when your mother and I...." All joking aside, I am so honored that my sister...though teasing me as a young child...calls me LuLu. There comes much love with that name.
This Lulu's cup runneth over...
I cannot wait to meet my sweet Wilson boy and see my sweet brookie poo become a big sister! She is going to be a GREAT big sister...much like her mother was and continues to be to me!
Love You Mean It,


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