Tuesday, May 10, 2011

How Do You Spell Geery?

So Friday we went on a Field Trip to see Rio and then to the park. It was a fun day but ended like this:

 He is so sweet. He didn't feel well all week and then got cleared by the nurse to go to the field trip because his temperature was down...that lasted about 4 hours and then it spiked to 103. Figured I better get him off the poor kids and let him lean on me...this is how he ended up:

 We bonded that day! He is normally really quiet  lively but bless his little heart...he wasn't feeling I had to play momma. This is the day that I realized that I am momma to about 21 8 year olds! But the good thing about this was Monday, he came in with a smile and tried really hard to do the right thing! That's a huge step for him and I feel like we progressed a lot! 

Moving on...Monday I decided to have them write cards during an extra 15 minutes we had. While they were creating their cards I was being asked time and time again how to spell things. But never in my life had I been asked to spell what he asked me to spell. He looked at me and said, "Mrs. Eastridge, How do you spell geery?" I had him repeat himself 20 3 times because I have never heard of geery. And so I asked him to give me a hint...because I thought...maybe it's slang for something. And he told me it was like a chain. And in my head I was thinking...hmm...must be some sort of chain I have never heard of. He then proceeded to tell me..."you earrings and a watch." THE LIGHT BULB WENT ON! ( I would have given a millions bucks to see my face as the light bulb went on!) I proceeded to write on a piece of paper J-E-W-E-L-R-Y. 

And that, my friends, sums up my job!

Love you Mean It,


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