Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Dear Brooke

Dear Brooke (though I will call you Brookie!),

Today is your Birthday. You were born at 3:11pm weighing 6 pounds even. And it stands 5:25 and we still don't know your length because too many people are lined up to see you. That is how much you and your parents are loved...cherish that. I have loved you since I found out your were in your mom's womb....cheesy, but true. You had me wrapped around fingers that weren't even formed yet. And we have anxiously awaited this day! We have been calling you stubborn for a while now...which by the time you read this I hope it isn't so much true! (I have to start out by saying...anytime your Dad or I would try to feel you inside Mom's wouldn't kick until our hand left her belly! Stink pot!) You woke your mom up at 4:00 am most mornings...and then boy did you let her know when you were hungry. You were determined to stay in there. You stayed in longer than you should have so they had to take matters in there own hands! ha! Your mom went into the hospital at 7:00pm on 5/30/2011...but not before she had to stop at Arby's...had to get that last meal in before it was push time. Of course...I don't know how much she ate because if there is one thing about your mother you need to know...she is deathly afraid of needles (although she does have her belly button pierced..shh..don't tell her I told you! That is a whole other story for a later time though)  She was more afraid of the IV than anything when she found out she wouldn't have to have it until the morning she was a pretty happy camper. Until 5:45 in the morning when they couldn't get it in her right hand so they had to try the left! But needless to say she made it! (She said the IV hurt worse than the epidural! I am so proud of your mom!) They broke her water a little before 8:00 a.m. and she actually went all the way until 10:15 before she got her epidural so she did good! Then a little after 1:30 she started pushing you outta there! You waited an hour and a half before coming out...but I will never forget the moment when you did. One of the proudest moments for me! See, I didn't technically get to be there...and I don't even want to explain how devastating it was to learn that I wouldn't be there...but those clever parents of yours reminded me that technology was pretty cool and that with our phones...I could be in the room even though my body was in Texas (called FaceTime now...although you can probably teleport by the time you are reading this.) So that made me feel a little better...but just a little. Nothing would make me more happy to be there in person...but circumstances being what they are I had to stay in Texas. But one thing you must always heart was in Arkansas the whole time. Boy was it a cool thing to watch your momma push those last two pushes and then hear you cry. Then of course Nana (who was giving me the play by play the whole day) brought the phone to you so I could see your sweet face! Wow...the love that fills me as I even think about it still! My cup runneth over...yes...that is an old saying...far longer than I've been alive....although I am not old...I will always be your young, beautiful Aunt, ok?...I thought we would agree! And as I am writing this at 5:42 p.m. Nana sent me a text message (which is probably an ancient thing by the time you are reading this) telling me you are 19 inches long. I can't wait to hold you. I have cried for 3 days now (yes...your Aunt is an emotional sap when it comes to you.) I keep picturing everyone getting to hold you but me! I know...I am selfish...but what can I are the most precious thing in the world and I am stuck in Texas...never move to Texas...ever. I digress. Anyway...I want you to know how much I truly love you and how spoiled special you are! Our lives have changed forever and I am so happy that I get to be your Aunt! You have a special place in my heart that will always belong to you! If nothing else, remember that! I can't wait to tell you stories, hear you talk, watch you crawl and then walk, I can't wait to see you play, see you dance, and celebrate your birthday every May. I can't wait to make you giggle, hear you sing, and watch you wiggle. I can't to see your wit and charm , play with your hair , and hold you in my arms. I love you sweet the moon and back....

 (though you call me Lulu!)


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